Becky Crocker talks natural remedies.

Exciting remedy for sore throats!!

Last Tuesday I woke with a sore throat and I knew I was in trouble. This has been my "warning sign" that an respiratory infection is about to start. I've had three of them this winter and so I know the symptoms. I was particularly desperate to nip this infection in the bud as I was going to be leaving for San Antonio on Friday. As I sat at work trying to think of some intense/quick remedy, I remembered hearing about cayenne pepper's awesome healing powers a few years ago. I decided to search online for a cayenne pepper sore throat remedy. I came upon a great recipe that really worked for me and I want to share it here:

Boil water like you're going to make tea. Put 4-5 drops of lemon juice, a teaspoon of salt and 5-6 shakes of cayenne pepper in the water. Stir and then gargle with this tea. Add more cayenne pepper if you can handle the spiciness.

Scratchy Sore Throat?

As a singer, I am always conscious of my voice. During college, when I was doing a lot of singing, there was one natural remedy which saved me from sore throats and colds.
Check our Colloidal silver!
I've been using this product for 15 years. It is a natural antibiotic.
It is best to find one that is 30 parts per million.
Gargle with it several times when you feel the slightest sort throat coming on!
You should wait 15 minutes to eat after gargling with it.
I like the brand Source Naturals because you can find it at our local health food stores and Whole Food stores.

Tea anyone??

I've come down with several Upper Respiratory Infections this past winter. Let's face it, a lot of germs are going around because of the crazy fluctuating temperatures this winter. Also, if you work in an office, then germs are likely to being passed around. (just common sense, but thought I'd throw that in there).
Since Antibiotics will not treat the "common cold", then I have found several herbal teas that help sooth the throat and cough but also help you cough up that lovely phlegm.
The brand that I love is: "Traditional Medicinals" Herbal teas. They have many varieties.

You can find it at Hyvee, Target and Whole Foods.

I like the "Throat Coat" variety because it is a natural expectorant and also soothes the cough and throat.
I have been using "Throat coat" for the past two Winters and I really like the results.
Also, I recently tried the "Breath Easy" variety. This is especially good if you're having trouble breathing at night.
Please note: I am not a Doctor and you should always consult your physician if you feel you need to.